Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lent - Day 13 (March 4)

Larger Catechism – Day 13 of Lent

Question 36:  Who is the mediator of the covenant of grace?
Answer:  The only mediator of the covenant of grace is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Son of God, of one substance and equal with the Father. In the fullness of time he became human, and so he was and continues to be God and man, in two complete and distinct natures, but one person, forever.

My Sunday morning sermon series is on Christian Apologetics – defending and/or arguments for the Christian faith.  This coming Sunday (March 8) will be the third message in a mini-series dealing with “There can’t be just one true religion – you Christians are just being too exclusive.”  The answer to the Larger Catechism question for today clearly states that Jesus is the only mediator of the covenant of grace – he is the only way for a person to be forgiven and come into a relationship with God.

Two Sundays ago we saw that all of the world’s religions are not basically the same.  Last Sunday we saw that the idea of all religions being false cannot be true.  This coming Sunday we will see the evidence that points to biblical Christianity being the only true faith and that Jesus is THE ONLY WAY TO GOD!

Jesus fully satisfies the covenant of works and he is the mediator of the covenant of grace. By being fully human Jesus is the only one who satisfies the covenant of works (totally without sin).  By being fully God Jesus is the only one who can grant us his righteousness.

Liberal/progressive Christianity minimizes who Jesus is.  Many, if not most, in the liberal/progressive camp do not believe in the virgin birth.  Many do not believe the bodily resurrection.  Most all do not believe that Jesus is the only way to God.  Most all do not believe in the Bible being the inerrant and infallible word of God.

In the Evangelical Presbyterian Church we firmly believe that Jesus is the only mediator of the covenant of grace.  End of story!

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