Friday, March 20, 2015

Lent - Day 27 (March 20)

Larger Catechism – Day 27 of Lent

Question 53:  How was Christ exalted in his ascension?
Answer:  Christ’s exaltation in his ascension began after his resurrection when he appeared to the apostles a number of times, talked to them about the kingdom of God, and commissioned them to preach the gospel to all nations. Forty days after his resurrection, in our human nature and as our head, he visibly went up into the highest heavens, triumphing over enemies. There he receives gifts for men, raises our minds, and prepares a place for us, where he himself is and shall continue to be until his second coming at the end of the world.

It is hard for me to wrap my brain around what it might have been like for Christ’s first disciples following the resurrection.  Seeing Jesus in the upper room on the day of the resurrection would have been, well, strange and wonderful.  Then they saw him again, and again.  Forty days following the resurrection they watched him ascend into heaven after giving them (and us) the calling for our lives—the Great Commission.  Just think, they thought they had lost Jesus on the cross, to find him risen on Easter and then to watch him leave (well, earthly speaking) in the ascension.  Talk about a roller coaster ride.

The catechism goes on to talk about Christ preparing a place for us and that he will return. Our eternal home.  The place where we will ultimately reside.

It is easy for us to jump to the thoughts of the ultimate victory we have in Christ.  While that victory is truth, we must not forget the commissioning he gave to his disciples to preach the gospel to all nations—that commissioning has been passed on to us.  We have a high calling—to spread the good news found only in Jesus.  We are called to take the message of life to a world that is dying.  We are called to make the case for Christ.

Friends, we have no idea when Christ will return.  He could return today, tomorrow, next year or next century.  We need to live each day as if it is the last day we have before Jesus’ return.  Live for Christ.  Talk to people about Christ.  Walk with Christ. Share the gospel.  Serve Christ Jesus.

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