Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lent - Day 38 (April 2)

Larger Catechism – Day 38 of Lent

Question 80:  Can true believers be infallibly assured that they are and will remain in a state of grace, persevering to salvation?
Answer:  Those who truly believe in Christ and try to walk in good conscience before him may be infallibly assured that they are and will remain in a state of grace, persevering to salvation. This assurance is not the result of any unusual revelation but comes from faith grounded on the truth of God’s promises and from the Spirit, who gives believers the spiritual insight into their own hearts, to which these promises are directed.  The Spirit also testifies with their spirits that they are the children of God.

It is important that those who follow Christ have the assurance that they are saved.

Here in the United States it is becoming more challenging to follow Jesus and the scriptures.  The culture around us does not honor the things we honor, treasure the things we treasure, or believe the truths that we believe the Bible call us to believe.  It is likely that the divide between Christ’s followers and our culture will continue to widen.

In no way am I equating the situation in the United States with those areas of the world where Christ’s followers are being put in prison, tortured, disowned by their families or killed.  Those things are true persecution.  What we are experiencing is a minor inconvenience compared to what others are experiencing.

1 John 5:13 says, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”

First century followers of Christ were experiencing severe persecution.  God wanted them to know that they had eternal life.  It was comforting for Christ-followers to know where they would spend eternity as they were facing death, torture or prison.

A few weeks ago some Egyptian Christians were beheaded in Libya.  Kneeling in front of their captors before their deaths must have been terrifying.  I hope that the Holy Spirit caused each of them to remember 1 John 5:13 in those horrible moments.

Do you know for sure that you have eternal life?  If not, there is something you can do to remedy that situation.  Bow your head.  Close your eyes. And ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and to come into your life as Savior and Lord.  He is waiting.  He wants you to know where you are headed for all eternity.

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