Friday, April 3, 2015

Lent - Day 39 (April 3)

Larger Catechism – Day 39 of Lent

Question 87:  What must we believe about the resurrection?
Answer:  We must first of all believe that at the last day there is going to be a resurrection of all the dead, both the righteous and the wicked.  When that happens, those who are still alive on earth will be instantly changed, and the very same bodies of the dead that were buried will be reunited with their souls and raised up by the power of Christ.  Through the Spirit of Christ and by virtue of his resurrection, as their head, the bodies of the righteous will be raised in power, spiritual and imperishable, and made in the likeness of Christ’s glorious body.  Christ will raise up in dishonor the bodies of the wicked, who offend him as judge.

I few years ago did a lot of blogging concerning the denomination of which I was a part at that time.  Online, I came across another pastor from that denomination that was a prolific blogger.  It boggles the mind to think that the two of us could have been a part of the same denomination.  I believe that Jesus is the only way to God and he doesn’t believe it.  I believe that Jesus did many miracle and he does not believe it.  I believe in the virgin birth and he doesn’t.  I believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead and he doesn’t.  I believe that we will be raised—some with Christ in a glorious resurrection in heaven and some---well, shall we say a resurrection to a crisis for all eternity.  The other pastor believes that when we die on earth it is the end.  Nothing after that.  I will give him this much (even though I think he is wrong), his personal beliefs match his theology.

Jesus’ resurrection is THE pivotal event in human history.  Jesus’ resurrection is where victory over sin and death takes place.  Jesus’ resurrection makes it possible for us to experience a resurrection.

There is a “memorial service” at our church tomorrow.  The service is actually a “Witness to the Resurrection” and a celebration of a person’s life.  We are going to talk about the peace that we have when we know that a person had Christ in their life.  We are going to talk about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.  We are going to talk about the hope of the resurrection and our spending eternity with our Savior and Lord.  You see, we have hope—and a glorious hope it is.

Take some time today or tomorrow and read 1 Corinthians 15.  Reading that chapter you will learn about the resurrected Jesus, his appearances to various people and the resurrection that people will experience.  Yes, we are going to experience a resurrection.  We will have a new body.  We will be with Christ.  It will be glorious.

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