Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lent - Day 24 (March 17)

Larger Catechism – Day 24 of Lent

Question 48:  How did Christ humble himself in his life?
Answer:  Christ humbled himself in his life by subjecting himself to the law, which he perfectly fulfilled, and by struggling with the indignities of this world, the temptations of Satan, and the frailty of his body, whether common to the natural human condition or particularly associated with his own poor situation.

The giver of the Law became subject to the Law – horrible thing on first glace but upon deeper inspection it is really quite profound.  The giver of the Law had to hang on the cross as he was subject to the Law on our behalf.  The giver of the Law was separated from the Father under penalty of the Law.  The giver of the Law had to experience death due to penalty of the Law.

The creator of all things had to live with all of the joys, challenges and sorrows of having a human body.  Jesus experience hunger (especially when he fasted for 40 days).  Jesus experienced being tired.  Jesus experienced going to the bathroom.  Jesus experience being thirsty.  Jesus experienced puberty.  Jesus experienced hard work. Jesus experienced being hated.  Jesus experienced living in poor conditions.  Jesus experienced…

Jesus had to leave the splendor and majesty of heaven for a meager, poor human existence.  Humbling.

The next time I am hungry I will remember that Jesus experienced hunger because of his love for us.  The next time I am thirsty I will remember that Jesus experienced thirst because of his love for us.  The next time I think of temptation I will remember that Jesus experienced temptation because of his love for us.  Jesus gave up a lot because of his love for us—including his life.

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